With each passing year NotSoSecure presence becomes bigger and better at Hacker summercamp. This year @ hackersummercamp 2019 we were present in multiple capacities and performed multiple duties.
Here is an outline of what we did this summer
Blackhat 2019
We had a good run at Blackhat 2019 and had multiple training sessions
DevSecOps: What Why and How – BlackHat 2019
Our Director Anant Shrivastava presented a session during the blackhat briefings explaining what why and how of devsecops
In this session we started with an introduction to DevSecOps, what is this term how we go about implementing it using opensource tools in your organization.
The full slide deck is embedded here and also available on Blackhat USA 2019 website here
We focused on two specific areas of DevSecOps implementation
Implementing the Security tools in an on premise DevOps pipeline
We did a detailed writeup about these techniques in our previous blog post @ DevSecOps open source tool.
We have also created a video for the whole process to give people good ideas about this.

Implementing the security tools in a cloud native devops environment
We did a detailed writeup about this techniques in our previous blog post @ Achieving DevSecOps using AWS Cloud Native Services
We have created a video for the whole process to give people good ideas about this.

Key takeaways
If you are interested in having further discussions on this free free to fill the contact formlink
TCP Packet Badges
As part of our gamification process we introduced TCP Packet badges during our training sessions. The trainee’s were the first set of people to get the hands on the TCP packet badges. where the badges were showing LED’s on border but the flags were activated for training participants when they were able to solve challenges before instructors. We also distributed some badges during the two conference days from our booth. The badges were received by huge enthusiasm by the crowd
The fun didn’t stopped here as the badge creator outlined here: https://www.hackster.io/HacksFromPanda/the-tcp-packet-badge-a6f210 The badges are programmable and can be reprogrammed to show your choice of LED pattern
Claranet Cybersecurity booth
This year around we had our booth which was buzzing with visitors throughout the two days.
DEF CON 2019
In an effort to support the open education culture we sponsored two DEF CON villages this year:
Cloud Village
Cloud village made its first appearance this DEF CON and Claranet cyber security were gold sponsor for the event.
Anatomy of Cloud Hacking
Our Principal consultant Pratik Shah presented a session on “Anatomy of cloud hacking” where he discussed about various cloud hacking cases that have happened recently. We then looked at the internals of cloud attack and generic attack chains that could be formed across AWS GCP and Azure and various attack scenarios that will be possible within the environments.
If this interests you then you can contact us here. We also provide training on hacking and securing cloud services more details here.
Recon village
This is the 3rd iteration of recon village in DEF CON, We have sponsored recon village since its inception. This village is dedicated towards the art of reconnaissance and taking it to the extreme. We were of this village. they had an impressive list of talks ranging from people specific reconnaissance to OSINT
This concluded our adventures for the year 2019 at summercamp till next year. If you want to discuss further business with us feel free to use our contact us section.