Change introduces risk. We let you move fast and stay secure.
The modern challenge
Large application estates, or applications that are changing often, provide challenges for traditional pen testing. It’s just not possible to test every update and every system often enough. A new approach is needed that delivers a more agile testing solution with the ability to scale.
Claranet Cyber Security’s Continuous Security Testing service provides exactly this. It combines skilled pen testing from a team of pen testers with continuous application scanning, giving you a responsive solution that becomes a natural extension to your team.
Tailored to the volume and complexity of your applications we’ll set up a continuous testing plan that combines skilled manual testing with application scanning. High priority findings will be flagged immediately, with all findings combined into a comprehensive monthly report.
This delivers an agile and collaborate approach to security that will alert you to issues fast, while allowing testing to fit with and around your application development schedules. Security that works with your application development needs, not against it.
A new approach can help to deliver the security you need.
Continuous Security Testing in action
Combining techniques to give the best results
Whilst penetration testing is a proven method to discover vulnerabilities, it is limited to a snapshot in time. Continuous penetration testing is designed to provide an alternative approach that works over large and/or rapidly changing estates. Continuous Security Testing combines manual penatration testing by experts with advanced application scanning and all findings are evaluated and assessed for impact. Our penetration testing consultants analyse vulnerabilities as they arise, then provide concise and detailed alerts giving guidance and information on real world risk.
Continuing to build your security
We keep a regular view of your rapidly changing applications, allowing our team to get to know you and your applications over time, continuing to build up your coverage. You get faster insight into any vulnerabilities than traditional point-in-time penetration testing with a continuous cycle of testing and remediation. We custom fit it to your needs and work with you on an ongoing basis - building security through partnership.
Continuous Security Testing helps solve two challenges often found with traditional penetration testing:
Continuous Security Testing complements our traditional penetration testing services. Work with us to ensure you get the right answer for your security needs.
Our accreditations