Introducing our Live, Attend from Anywhere, training classes
Anant Shrivastava, Technical Director
At Claranet Cyber Security, we have always taken pride in being an industry leader when it comes to creating quality training courses. This is primarily down to two things:
In-house research
Our extensive in-house research and subject matter expertise on topics that allows us to constantly update our classes and present the latest cutting-edge techniques.
Years of experience
Our years of experience in teaching courses have allowed us to perfect our course delivery, ensuring a great learning experience for all attendees.

We are excited to announce that we are now offering all our courses (directly and via our partners) with an “Attend from Anywhere” option. Note: these are still live classes and not on-demand classes.
With the coronavirus outbreak, we think that the in-person, classroom based trainings may just go out of fashion for many and corona or no-corona, we think fewer people will be keen to travel and sit in classrooms close to others and have support staff look over their shoulder and type on their keyboard to troubleshoot the problems.
Live Online courses
“Attend from Anywhere” classes are usually perceived as just an extended webinar usually delivered via platforms like zoom etc. This is not what we are offering. Through our years of experience in training, we have built some key elements to class-based training:
Access to a Hack-Lab
Our courses come with a hands-on Hack-Lab.
Each attendee gets his/her own dedicated lab access to play during the class and in most cases, we often extend this access to provide attendees extra days of lab time after a class.
Excellent support material
The student pack provided to attendees, doesn’t just come with the slide deck. It contains lots of additional material such as useful tools/scripts/cheat sheets etc. Within this student pack is an exercise sheet listing all the challenges which attendees will solve during the course of training. The pack also contains an answer sheet (pdf documents) providing detailed walk throughs (with screenshots and explanations) on how each and every exercise discussed in the class is to be solved.

Sample Answer Papers
A sample from our extensive answer sheets.
The answer sheets are password protected as we want attendees to focus on solving questions by applying the new knowledge and not to cheat by directly peeking inside the answer sheets. The password for the relevant answer sheet is provided at the end of each module. These answer sheets are particularly useful when the attendees revisit the class during their extended lab time and this allows us to ensure that their learning experience has not finished when we finish teaching and the attendees have the best chance of really taking in the training.
Shared Google document
During the class, the trainer maintains a live google-doc. All attendees have read only access to this live document and after each exercise (after providing practice time), trainer updates this document with relevant steps to solve each exercise. This allows attendees to directly copy/paste complex commands and quickly troubleshoot issues themselves, rather than trying to focus on the small terminal screen on which the instructor will type on his laptop.

Interactive support
When classes get big, as they do typically for events like Black Hat, we have an army of “support staff” available to troubleshoot the questions and technical issues which attendees may have. The support staff are highly qualified and each is a subject matter expert. We typically have 1 support staff per 12 attendees to ensure that any questions are promptly dealt with.
We are integrating this style of support into our Attend from Anywhere training. Every attendee will be able to call on our dedicated support staff to troubleshoot any technical issues, while the lesson carries on for others. The attendees can share their screen and even grant access for our team to resolve the issue quickly. This ensures that every participant gets the best experience from our training.
Results and feedback
At the end of the class, the attendee can download a pdf which tracks how many challenges they were able to solve on their own. This will also give attendees a good idea of their strengths and weaknesses within different areas of the course and areas to focus on during their extended lab time.
These and other elements we’ve added to our courses, including gamified challenges, allows the instructor and support staff to assess how each attendee is performing and ensures everyone gains real knowledge, skills and benefit from the course.
We are thus very excited to launch our “Attend from Anywhere” courses and when we put all this together, we feel that this is the future of the training courses.